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Entering Previous Flight Time Totals
Rather than entering each historical flight, you can summarize your times with the Previous Totals screen. If entered correctly, these totals will also "transfer" to the Pilot Logbook screen. Hints:
  • Generally, use only the Category (A) column; ignore (B) and (C). Note that using (B) or (C) will prevent that row from transferring to the Pilot Logbook screen.
  • Save your work every few minutes while entering your totals! Web sessions can time out.
  • Each row in the Previous Totals screen is completely independent. For example, if your total previous ASEL time is 900.0 and your previous Cessna 172 time is 400.0, you would still enter 900 for ASEL and 400 for Time in Type → C172. You would not subtract 400 from your ASEL time.
  • Your previous totals will display on the Prev line on the Pilot Logbook screen. See Previous Times in Pilot Logbook for more details.
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