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Importing Flight and Schedule Records
Importing a standard format:
ZuluLog supports all major flight and schedule record formats, so you should be able to directly upload or copy/paste records from your employer or airline into the system.
  • To import flight records (completed flights with block times), use the Import Flights screen from the Pilot Logbook menu.
  • To import schedule records (records for upcoming flights with scheduled rather than actual times), use the Import Schedules screen from the Schedules menu.
Hint: If you have imported schedule records for future flights, they will appear at the top of the Flight Entry screen once the scheduled date has been reached. You can then tap the "Load" button to load the schedule details into a flight entry, and add takeoff/landing/approach totals as required before saving the flight.
Importing your own format:
If you have a custom spreadsheet with your own column names, or a format unrecognized by ZuluLog's import module, you can request us to perform the import process for you (there is no extra charge for this).
Some things to keep in mind if you'd like us to import a custom format:
  • We cannot import PDF, HTML, SQL, DB, image, or "numbers" files. All files must be exported to CSV format first.
  • Files must contain column headers in row 1, and one flight per row starting on row 2. Any "totals per page" rows or subsequent header rows should be deleted.
  • Each flight row must contain a complete date including the year.
  • Flight rows should not contain "block" totals; use the Previous Totals screen for that.
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